Getting ready was absolutely one of my favorite parts of the day. I remember every moment vividly. The girls and I slept over at my best friend Jessica's house the night before. (Sidebar: I would have stayed with my mom but I have a terrible allergic reaction to the family dog and was not willing to risk my face swelling up like a cherry tomato.) We woke up early to finish the wedding favors (ugh) then headed over to Nordstrom for our make up appointments at Smashbox and MAC. Have I ever mentioned how much I love getting my make up done? Cos man, I reaaally love it. After morphing from a 12 year old child to an actual woman, it was off to get my hair done. Whilst getting my locks turned into perfect curls, my mom let me know there was a major accident on the freeway. My wedding dress and little brother happened to be on the south side of the freeway while everythinggg else was on the north side, and between us stood a big fat ugly accident that closed it all down. Cue freak out mode. I managed to stay mostly calm, the main side affect was my stomach contorted itself into a ton of knots. My sister/MOH picked me up from the appointment and all us girls headed up to the venue. Spencer and I were able to work out some of stress by singing, very loudly, some Celine Dion power ballads. Tip: Celine Dion never fails. Once we were all at the venue, I was able to finally relax and soak up those special moments with all the important women in my life.

{ Make up } Bride, MOH, Bridesmaid Jessica - Aubree at North County Fair Smashbox
Bridesmaids Cara, Tracey, Hayley - Val at North County Fair MAC
{ Hair } Bride - Jenn Taylor at Elements Salon, Bridesmaids did all their own hair
You looked very beautiful. Congrats to you and Justin!