This may be the quickest I've taken down my Halloween decorations, like, ever. I’m a put-up-Halloween-decorations-in-September-and-take-down-right-before-December kind of a girl. But this year, Justin and I are blessed with the opportunity to spend Thanksgiving with his family in our home! Everyone is flying out the Wednesday before and staying through the following Sunday. There will be trips up to the snow, Utah football and of course a day full of food and family. It’ll be my first time cooking for more than four people, and my first time putting up Thanksgiving decorations! Needless to say, planning has begun for decor, menu and how we are going to fit ten people in our two-bedroom apartment. Here are a few ideas I’m loving:

Continuing to decorate with pumpkins are a must for me. I’ll just be trading out my giant orange pumpkins for mini and painted. The pinecone garland is seriously adorable and looks super easy. My family has always gone around the table and said what we’re thankful for, and these printables are a cute way to keep up the tradition. I’m still debating between cider or a DIY hot cocoa bar, but the mason jars with straws will be present either way. I am beyond excited to host my first holiday dinner with family!
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