Tuesday, October 15, 2013

25 Before 26

Today is my twenty fifth birthday! I can't really believe I'm quarter of a century. I still feel so young most days: pretending to tight rope walk on curbs, dancing in my underwear while I get ready, enjoying a good lollipop whenever possible. It's odd how when you're younger you'll assume you will have life figured out by a certain age. For me, I thought I would be married with at least two kids by now. While I have been married for over a year, our baby plan still has a couple years to go. I must say I'm pretty content with where I'm currently at in life. Twenty four was a big learning for me with being a new wife and dealing with sudden illness and I'm ready to see what this new year brings me.

Which brings me to the topic of this post! I had seen the idea for a "25 before 26" list on Brimleys Take Flight (before she went private) and thought it was absolutely fantastic. I love the idea of a good bucket list, but I wanted to gear this one more towards where I'm at in my life right now.

001. Complete a photo a day project.

002. Read one book a month.
003. Complete the 52 list challenge.
004. Change my name legally to Nelson.
005. Go on a girl's trip with my best friends. (Vegas trip in April)
006. Float the Weber River.
007. Visit somewhere I've never been. ( San Francisco in June)
008. Try Bikram’s yoga.
009. See a movie at the Sundance Film Festival.
010. Watch a sunrise.
011. Visit local thrift shops.
012. Spend a weekend camping.
013. Put together our wedding photo album.
014. Set aside a craft day each month.
015. Obtain my goal weight.
016. Move into a 3-bedroom apartment. (moved in to our first home on April 26th)
017. Create an organized mail and bill center.
018. Start wearing full makeup again.
019. Take vitamins.
020. Try out a new recipe twice a month.
021. Overhaul my closet.
022. Pay off all my medical bills. (completed end of January!)
023. See a new artist in concert. (Ellie Goulding in April)
024. Participate in a 5k.
025. Find a full time job that I love. (started in February)

There are still a lot of things I'd like to do, and I have plenty of time to accomplish them. While none of these are too lofty of goals, I plan to use them as inspiration for the type of year I'm hoping to have. Here's to being twenty five!

1 comment:


    I love this! I may steal it around my bday ;)
